Splash & Draw: Art Poly Puzzle

كم السعر, Friday, February 19, 2021

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Splash & Draw is a fun joke game in which you have to paint different images. Bring blank images to life by spraying them with paint bombs so you can have fun with art! Get ready for tons of vibrant paint colors and unique patterns!
Easy to play: aim at the picture and shoot bombs. Don’t forget your paint pumps are limited! You will have to be brave and aim accurately  to finish and paint the whole picture! download Now

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This puzzle is full of levels to conquer and each one Splash & Draw: has its own image (people, trees, animals, Splash & Draw: ships and decorations). Color everything!

Why you will love to spray and paint:
– Great graphics!
– Simple controls!
– Many different types of paint bombs!
– Lots of images!
– Simple interface!

Absolutely free to play! Download Splash & Draw for a fun new teaser experience! apkpure

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Down ranged – – United States – last week
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Splash & Draw: Art Poly Puzzle – is an Android application available in our store. You can download all versions, including the latest version: 1.35. Art Poly Puzzle or art.logic.colourit is an application that has more than 10,000 installs. If you are installing Art Poly Puzzle on your device, a gap of 33 meters is required, and the Android device must also have Android OS version 4.4 or later.  Art Poly Puzzle was created by CASUAL AZUR GAMES development team in the puzzle genre. The older Android

It provides all versions of Splash & Draw: Art Poly Puzzle and you can download it directly to your phone or any Android device so you have to scroll the screen below where you can see many links to download the application. Of course you can use  Art Poly

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Puzzles on your computer so you must use emulators. All applications and games on our website are intended for personal use only. Also, don’t forget to share this application with your friends, it helps to support the entire Android community and developers to create more applications :), and of course playing in applications or games is more fun and useful with friends). Download Art Poly Puzzle APK 1.35 Free on Android – Latest Version from Android Developer CASUAL AZUR GAMES.


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